Address:Blechhammerweg 50D-67659 Kaiserslautern
Phone(0631-7500 573)
Fax(0631-3723 100)
1.1.8 Communal wastewater treatment
1.1.10 Planning advice
1.1.12 Sludge treatment
6.2.8 Aeration installations
6.2.36 Plate Aerators
6.7.5 Precipitation agents
6.7.8 Flocculation agents
6.7.9 Aids for aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment
14.3.2 Consultancy
14.4.2 Sewage sludge co-incineration
14.4.4 Agricultural utilisation of sewage sludge
14.4.5 Mobile sewage sludge drying and dewatering
14.5.1 Operator models (BOO), BOT)
14.5.2 Management of sewer systems
14.5.3 Management of wastewater treatment plants